Older Americans Program

Mission Statement

The Coeur d’Alene Tribe Older Americans Program ensures that elders living on the Coeur d’Alene reservation receive all available benefits and services to which they are entitle, and to provide services to enhance and to protect the individuality, dignity, independence and the security of each elder.

The Older American’s Program serves Tribal Elders and their spouses 55 years of age and older. The core service of the program is providing delicious and nutritious meals, buffet style, Monday through Thursday, at the Tribally owned Senior Center in Plummer, Idaho. The program also services the same meal to home bound Elders throughout the reservation.

The program also provides the following services: transportation, cultural activities, advocacy and counsel, case management, and information and referral.

Program Manager

Arna Michael 208-686-2084

Head cook

Patrice Pfeiffer 208-686-1268 

Kitchen Assistant

Daveina Meshell


TahWyAh Davis