An encroachment for regulatory purposes is defined as any structure on, in or above submerged lands or waters of the Coeur d’Alene Reservation. Among the nearly 535 encroachments within the Reservation boundary some you may see on Coeur d’Alene Lake, Black Lake and the St. Joseph River include structures such as docks, piers, float homes, boat garages, jetties, floats, pilings, breakwaters, boat ramps, channels, basins, fills, dikes, power lines, and sea walls. A dock is one that for many carries special importance and is a very valued piece of waterfront living. It is more than just a place to park the boat, it is also a place for fishing, swimming, sunbathing, family gathering and relaxing and just a few of the reasons many are drawn to a waterfront lifestyle.
In recognition of these realities, the Coeur d’Alene Tribe extends the privilege of keeping a dock on Tribal Waters to our neighbors who own waterfront property. This privilege is also granted to secondary lot owners who are members of previously established homeowner associations. This use, including all structures, of Tribal Waters and submerged lands within the Reservation Boundary must be permitted through the Coeur d’Alene Tribe Shoreline Protection Program.
The Goals of Regulation page of this web site provides information on the Tribe’s efforts to balance and protect reasonable access to Tribal waters for both dock owners and users alike.
Encroachment Standards
A significant goal of the Encroachment Standards is to protect reasonable access to navigable waters for both dock owners and other users alike. We want a standard that allows dock construction but does not infringe upon the use and enjoyment of Tribal Waters by other people interested in boating, fishing and other recreational activities. In addition recreational users on Coeur d’Alene Lake are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Tribal Law and Order Code regulating boating on Tribal Waters. Any person using the waters within the Coeur d’Alene Reservation is deemed to have consented to the jurisdiction and laws of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe.
Please visit our Encroachment page for complete information